Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blindness: Is it the end of the world?

            “Blind? I’m gonna be, blind?” said Mary Ingalls in the T.V. show “Little House on the Prairie” upon being told her inevitable fate.  Mary’s reaction depicts the emotional stress that can suddenly be brought upon one who’s had sight their entire life, and is at risk of losing it (Little House).  Yes, it is a television show, but this doesn’t degrade the fact that blindness is looked upon as a tragedy.  Over time, the term “blind,” has produced a stereotypical image of those it represents, a helpless individual.  During the time of “Little House” this very well could have been true, but even then there was hope for the blind to live a life of adventure, and to shed their helpless image by receiving the proper training.  However, unless the blind are allowed to find their true potential, the stereotype that has followed them throughout history will continue to do so.
            This negative image of the blind community, though modified as the years have gone by, has basically stayed the same.  The blind, as a whole, have been depicted as incapable of doing things for themselves.  In a way, the reputation of a lawyer has likewise been brought into the stereotypical realm.  Now what does a lawyer have to do with blindness? That is an excellent question.  Think carefully.  What is the first thing that comes to mind, a man or woman shouting at the defendant in front of an audience? How about their deceitful character that is often portrayed in movies and popular media?  This has become the image that pops into the American brain upon even mentioning the lawyer profession. However, this does not constitute the whole story.  Terry Lovell, a lawyer currently living in Orlando, Florida, says that lawyers are often depicted in a bad light. While some may actually act as described above, there is another side to the lawyer class as a whole (Terry).  This can also be said of the blind community, while their limitations should not be over looked, they are more capable than is often thought.  Notice I said capable, not able.  All blind individuals have the capability of achieving what some may consider impossible, that being personal independence.  It will take time for this to occur, but such a thing is possible.  However, some would disagree.  A survey of just under sixty people was taken at Dixie College, and it was found that 1.8% of individuals believed that the blind were incapable of becoming independent.  Admittedly, sixty people isn’t enough to get an accurate showing of belief for an entire nation, but having the survey conducted on college grounds gave people from multiple backgrounds a chance to let their voice be heard; and it is through voice that ideas are brought into the world.  Still, what people believe isn’t always the truth.  It was found that 75.4% of individuals thought the blind to be personally independent. Unfortunately, this, for the most part, is incorrect. The majority of the blind community is completely dependent on those around them (Lovell).
            The reason for this is that they simply have not been taught how to live a productive non-sighted life. However, there is a way to solve this ever present matter, centers for the blind.  Yes, there is such a thing as a blind training center, their existence just isn’t widely known.  The blindness survey at Dixie has confirmed this disheartening fact.  Nearly 70% of the persons in question had never heard of a blind center, and even fewer knew what they were for; but once they were given a brief description, 98.2% believed that the blind would benefit from the services that blind centers provide (Lovell).
            But what proof is there that these centers actually work? Actually, there’s plenty. One need only to look in the right places. One place in particular lies in Chicago, Illinois where one of America’s many hospitals for veterans is located. This particular hospital has been helping returned soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan, who have lost their sight in the line of duty, by training them in the basics of non-sighted life; and it is through this training that over sixty soldiers have been discovering what the blind can truly do (VA blind centers).  However, not all blind centers are for wounded servicemen. There are many others across the country that provide similar services for other members of the blind community. One such center lies in Salt Lake city, Utah.
            Utah Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or U.S.B.V.I., is geared towards getting blind individuals into the work force.  I myself, am a beneficiary of U.S.B.V.I., but in order for me to take advantage of these services, I had to graduate from high school. Once there, I was given living quarters, and expected to take care of myself until my training was complete.  Normally, an individual would attend U.S.B.V.I. for about six to twelve months, but I had to cut my stay short in order to begin my freshman year of college.
Now it’s been mentioned that blind centers train the blind how to live on their own, but what exactly do the blind get taught?  The training given to the blind includes the following: Independent travel, home living, braille instruction, and using technology.  I followed this basic outline myself, until my schedule was geared more towards the skills I would need for college that is; but my favorite class was the one that most of U.S.B.V.I.’s students enjoyed the most, woodworking.  It comes with a blind instructor equipped with the tools one would expect to find in a regular shop class.
            Now hold up a minute. A blind man is working with sharp blades, rotating sanders, not to mention all the other pointy equipment? Shouldn’t someone that can see be doing that sort of thing?  Safety is a valid concern, but the instructors hired by centers for the blind are required to go through every aspect of the training their students will receive, blind or not.   This ensures that the instructors will know how to best help individuals become contributing members of society.  Thus none of those who enroll at in these training centers are expected to do anything that their instructors have not experienced themselves. This is done to promote the safest learning environment possible; and even though providing such surroundings won’t ensure the lack of injury, the occasional burn from cooking, or collision with a parked car, are all part of the learning process.
            Now some may be asking, what does this have to do with me?  I’m not blind, so why should I care?  This is understandable, but understand this.  Those who are of this mindset may not have been influenced personally by blind centers directly, but they have touched their lives in one way or another. Chances are there’s someone in their life that has.  It can happen in a variety of ways, whether that person has a friend that is blind, or they have a family member that is enrolled in a training center, the influence is apparent. But even if neither of these scenarios are true, blind centers affect the world in another way.  They produce individuals that aren’t afraid to go against the bounds that society has placed before them.  In many instances, such individuals have refused to allow their blindness to interfere with their goals and dreams.
            I was told of just such an individual before receiving the rank of Eagle Scout in May of 2010.  I was told the story of a man who had earned the rank of Eagle many years ago.  Since he was blind, the man had to perform tasks differently than those around him.  There were several examples of this, but the one that stuck out most was when he bought unique bells for each of the scout leaders he worked with. This helped him to determine who he was speaking to and where they were in relation to himself.  Over all, this man’s example showed me that if I put my mind to a task or goal, there was nothing that would prevent me from achieving it, even if that means participating in activities that would make others a little uneasy.  But despite this, I can see where concern for the blind is warranted.  Nevertheless, there comes a point where concern for their well-being deprives the blind of liberties they would have otherwise enjoyed.
A good example of this has been presented at Michigan State.  The director for the blind center in Kalamazoo was fired for implementing a marksmanship class for center students at least sixteen years of age. The class was intended as a confidence booster, to show individuals that they can still participate in recreational activities. The students were given pellet guns, and taken to a location behind the training center. The class went well for several months, but that didn’t prevent it from being canceled.  The National Federation of the Blind, (N.F.B), organized in protest, saying that pellet guns didn’t fulfill the criteria for firearms. Thus, the marksmanship class should’ve been allowed to continue (Director Fired).  Clearly, to cancel a class where there is certified supervision of participants, in which the goal was to build self-esteem, is an act of over protection.  Not allowing the blind to do activities for which they know the risks of participation is like saying they aren’t capable of following the simplest safety guidelines.  Just think of the logic.  Isn’t it more dangerous for the blind to be using shop equipment than a toy gun?  And yet, haven’t the blind proven that they can use such equipment safely? So what’s the problem with using a pellet gun on a supervised shooting range? 
Don’t take this the wrong way; I’m not saying that the sighted world is being discriminatory for wanting to make sure the blind are safe.  It’s just that, if they aren’t allowed to do anything on their own, or to do things that are considered impossible, how will individuals of the blind community learn?  A good example of when the blind might benefit from being left alone is when they are on independent travel lessons.  I myself experienced a number of encounters where others would attempt to help me on my way.  There were even times when I was gripped and physically redirected, and I was often more confused than before help had been given.  Now this doesn’t mean don’t ever help a blind individual, just make sure to ask if they are in need of help before messing up their sense of orientation.  As has been said before, the blind are more capable than is often thought.
However, there are ways for the sighted to help the blind on their way to personal independence.  If someone is known to have gone to a training center, give them opportunities to show what they can do.  On the other hand, there are other ways to help the blind and visually impaired.  Universities offer degrees and information of possible career options in the blind community.  If a university doesn’t have the proper information, then a local or national blind organization like the N.F.B will definitely have means of helping to obtain such information (Mogk).
Admittedly, training the blind how to survive in the world isn’t enough to make them productive members of society.  What good is it to know how to use a computer, or a piece of electronics if access to such technology is nothing but a dream?  Another way for the blind to become personally independent is through rehabilitation services.  Unfortunately, this is an area of study that isn’t often written about academically. Thus, there are several interpretations of what rehabilitation truly is.  Those who do study in this area debate between three definitions: field, profession, and division (Mogk.)  In any case, services for the blind incorporate a combination of all three scenarios. It all depends on where one wishes to place themselves in relativity to the blind community.  One portion of this community however, is known as Vocational Rehabilitation.
This form of service is designed to help those with disabilities to gain a more equal footing with the non-disabled community, both at school, and in the work force.  In the case of the blind, they work with a rehabilitation counselor to set employment goals, as well as gain the technology needed to perform effectively.  Such technology may include: screen readers, enlargement software, and so forth.  Voc. Rehab will even help individuals to be able to attend independent training centers as a step to achieving their goal of employment for that particular individual.
            Now such a service wasn’t always available. In the case of Mary Ingalls, her family paid for her to attend the Perkin’s School for the Blind in Burton, Iowa.  Again, it is just a Television show, but it does provide a means by which one can see the progress the blind community has made over the years.  For example, looking back, the blind didn’t have a cane to warn them of hidden obstacles throughout the world (Little House). But now, the blind have a variety of such tools to choose from, each type suiting a different person’s needs and personality.  Another innovation that has entered into the world of blind technology is that of electronic braille writers.  There are several different models to choose from, some of which are called: Braille Note, and Note Taker.  Such devices are only a portion of what has been done to help bring the blind into a new age of independence; but alas, it will take more than words to bring about an end to the negative stereotype of the blind.  Actions must be taken in order for this dream to become reality.
            First off, blind individuals must bring themselves to attend blind training facilities. Once there, they will be given the opportunity to obtain the skills needed to gain personal independence; but even this is not enough.  The training the blind receive must be combined with a strong base of support from friends and family.  A study was conducted at the blind training center in Louisiana, and it was found that those who had a strong sense of support were more hopeful than those without (Goodwyn).  The study also showed that individuals that had been blind longer had proven more accepting of their new window of opportunity, and their hope of a brighter future helped them to a greater level of independence.  There is one flaw to the results however, and that is, numbers.  Like the survey done at Dixie College, there were few participants.  Part of the problem revolves around the lack of a sufficient base from which scientists can question (Goodwyn.)  Regrettably, this lack of continuous information about the blind has contributed to the formation of their supposedly helpless image; but this image, like anything else in life, can be changed for the better, and it is for the goal of a brighter future, that the blind seek to destroy their helpless reputation.  Their determination to reach this eventuality is a drive that refuses to be satisfied until the sighted world can come to see the true capabilities of the blind community. In a way, this drive is reminiscent of one of the greatest military minds in world history.
 Julius Caesar, in one of his many campaigns, marched with his men to the Rhine.  Once there, they constructed a bridge across the Rhine in the span of three days.  Now he did not do this to conquer the Germanic people.  Caesar crossed the Rhine to prove that he could cross the Rhine.  The blind have a similar drive, only the opposite shore of the river they seek to cross is much harder to obtain. But despite this, the blind have already overcome great obstacles to their goal of personal independence, and they continue in their quest to see where their true limitations lie; but there is a profound difference between a people and the individual in discovering the limits of their potential.
For example, among the blind community, there are many who, as a whole, have obtained their goal of personal independence; but when they are separated, it becomes easy to see where each individual is in their personal quest.  I myself am a relatively new-comer to the world of the blind community.  I used to believe that being blind would cripple my ability to function as a member of society.  Neither I nor my family knew that blind services even existed until I was about eight years old.  Since that point, the feeling of utter inferiority has been replaced with the hope for a brighter future.
 It is because of this that I now realize that blindness is not the end of the world, and those who make up the ranks of the blind community are not incapable of living a productive life; and though it hasn’t always been this way, the progress that the blind have made towards this goal is indisputable.  The advances in technology and blind services have allowed the blind to bring themselves farther away from being, “less,” than those around them.  Not only that, but if the blind are given the training and support that they require, along with opportunities to prove themselves, there’s no telling what they’ll be able to do.



“Director Fired From Commission Over Marksmanship Class. Supporters Up In Arms.” Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 104.4(2010): Acaedmic Search Premier. Web. 25 March 2011.

Goodwyn, Mary. “Hope and Social Support in Adults Who Are Legally Blind at a Training Center.” Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 103.8 (2009): 500-504. Academic Search Premier. Web.25 March 2011.

“I’ll Be Waving as You Drive Away Pt. 1-2.” Little House on the Prairie. Screenplay by Carol Raschella, and Michael Raschella. Dir. William F. Claxton. Prof. Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Sue Anderson, Melissa Gilbert, Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush. Lionsgate, Pub. 20000. DVD.

Lovell, Terry. Personal Interview. 1 Mar. 2011.

Lovell, Tyson. Personal Blindness Survey. 4 Mar. 2011.

Mogk, Lylas, “The History and Future of Low Vision Services in the United States.” Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 98.10 (2004): 585-600. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 March 2011.

VA blind centers help wounded servicemen take back their lives.” Newspaper article. Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune. 30 Sept. 2010. Web. 19 March 2011.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blindness: What Do People Think

            Blindness; it seems to be a topic that is rarely understood. I became curious as to how much those around me knew about the condition that I and the others faced. Thus, I surveyed several individuals about the subject. However, since the topic of blindness is too broad, I decided that the best course of action would be to restrict my survey to six basic questions. Tall together, I believe that these questions can further my paper in the long run.
            The survey consisted of fifty seven people wandering about on the Dixie College campus. I thought I knew what their responses to my questions would be, but I was proven surprised on more than one account. For instance, when asked if they believed the blind to be independent, I found that 75.4% believed that blind individuals were independent. Now, since this is such a small survey, one would be hard pressed to come to an accurate conclusion. That, and college campuses are a melting pot of people from multiple locations. Nevertheless, I can use these results to show that independence of the blind is something to be maintained, which brings up the topic of properly training the blind.
The results concerning this particular topic didn’t surprise me in any way other than how many people had heard of a blind training center before. Even though the percentage was greater than I’d anticipated, the fact that 68.4% of those surveyed hadn’t ever heard of a blind training center, and even fewer knew their purpose. I can use this data to push the point that awareness of blind centers and what they can do needs to be made more widely known.
            However, it’s going to take more than just one person’s voice to make the matter heard. That’s why I got the public’s opinion on the subject. All total, 94.7% agreed that knowledge of centers for the blind should be made more commonly known. This fact brought me quite the surprise when I followed it up with whether or not people thought that having blind individuals go through these centers would make them more capable of living productive lives in society. 98.2% of individuals thought that the blind could become an effective part of society if given the specialized training in a blindness center. I can use this particular piece of information rather well to further my cause. The idea that it isn’t just the blind that want the blind to succeed in life helps to bring my argument into a better position on the battlefield.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


             I recently gained the privilege of interviewing my uncle Tut about what a lawyer does. For most of my life, I thought lawyers did nothing but yell at each other in a court room and try to take advantage of the other party. But now that I’ve talked with my uncle, I know that the stereotypical lawyer makes up a small portion of their total population.
              Since my uncle Tut lives in Orlando Florida, I had to speak with him over the phone. Noise was rampant throughout my house, so I went to my room and closed the door. Doing this didn’t stop the noise from penetrating my line of hearing, but having the door shut did allow me to hear my uncle’s words. Turns out, uncle Tut is the type of lawyer that helps legal transactions move along smoothly. Like other lawyers, they attend law school for three years after obtaining their Bachelor’s degree. However, a lawyer must be licensed before legally entering their practice.
              My uncle’s insights into the life of a lawyer provided me with a small glimpse into a world that I would have otherwise remained ignorant towards. There was ring my argument out more fully in my up coming research paper. one thing however, that made me decide never to become a lawyer. I never want to spend forty to fifty hours a week at work. However, having my uncle dispel the shadow of distrust surrounding lawyers from my mind, uncle Tut has givwn me a way to further my argument in my argument in my up coming research paper.
              I plan to use what I’ve learned to deconstruct several of the misconceptions about blind individuals, and to show how this reality is possible. Gibing an example that everyone can identify with will allow me to draw my readers’ attention to an argument that would normally be brushed off as a topic that only concerns those it generally brings to mind.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blindness: Is it a Blessing or a Curse?

            It is often assumed that those who are blind are unable to take care of themselves, but this is most certainly not true. While there are some that do fit this description that is only due to that individual’s choice to do nothing about it. I myself believe that just because someone is born or becomes blind, doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable of enjoying their lives in relatively the same manner as those around them. We who live in the blind community have just as much potential to participate in daily activities without being told how to run our lives. We can play games just as well as anybody else, as well as perform effectively in the work place. We only need the proper training.
              However, there are many obstacles facing one who is blind, or visually impaired, when trying to gain employment. One of these factors is the lack of proper training. There are centers where the blind can learn to be independent in their everyday lives. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of the blind community know of their existence. This is partly due to most blind services being located in larger cities throughout the states. Other times, families don’t even know that specialized training is even available to their blind family members. I myself didn’t know that I was able to receive such instruction until I was about thirteen years old. The Occupational Training Center, located in Salt Lake City, is where I received what training I was able to obtain within a three months time frame. Normally, I would’ve attended the center for about six to twelve months, but I’d already enrolled for my fall semester at Dixie College. Thus, my instruction was cut short.
              Nevertheless, it was in Salt Lake that I discovered what a blind person could truly do. I doubted myself at first, but then I met Denis. Denis used to have sight, but lost it somewhere in the middle of his life. Denis worked in construction before joining the ranks of the blind community, but he didn’t let that deter him from living his life to the fullest. He now runs the shop at the Salt Lake training center. This was where I decided that I could do anything I put my mind to. Denis’s example was what inspired me to complete what I could during my sojourn In the Salt Lake area.
During my training, I was required to wear a blindfold while I participated in my classes. The instructors didn’t allow me to do anything on my own until they were sure that I was able to perform a task without injuring myself. The instruction I received involved a healthy mixture of: cooking, cleaning, independent travel, technology and brail. I only had shop for a week or two. But it wasn’t just attending this specialized training that brought me to the level of awareness I have today. I’ve gained more perspective of what the blind could do by playing sports with others I’d met over the years. One of these individuals is a young man by the name of Kirt Manwaring.
              Kirt has been blind since birth, and has been a good friend of mine ever since we first met. We’ve played Goalball together, but he gave me an opportunity two summers ago that helped me to understand what a house with a totally blind person was like. I got to stay with Kirt’s family for Father’s Day weekend. During that time, he challenged me to a game of chess. The pieces were textured so as to help distinguish between opposing teams. Playing against him showed me that the blind can do things that are normally considered impossible. We just need to do them differently than those around us.
              This idea of doing things differently than others has also seeped into my personal philosophy about everyday life. In my opinion, going blind has allowed me to come to know those around me by who they really are, and not how they appear. This has provided me with a new level of understanding. The blind are the same as those around them. Sure, they may not be able to see as well as the general populous, but they have trials and tribulations just like any other person. We feel the same emotions, and can feel the same sensations of touch and smell. We can also enjoy movies just as much as the next person, though the professional descriptions given to them are more similar to an audio book than what others would consider a movie.
              All in all, being blind isn’t the end of the world. It merely opens a new hallway of opportunities. Whether one enters this new realm of experience is entirely up to them, as is any decision in life. I believe that those who are blind, though they may not be able to do everything that those with sight can do, are capable of things that the normal populous would consider impossible. One person that embodies this line of thinking rather well is “Dare Devil.” Even though his ability to see sound is something that a blind individual isn’t able to do, he still provides an example of how there’s more to the blind than meets the eye. Their potential, like those around them, isn’t determined by looks or how many words they know. It’s what’s within that makes a person great.
              If we who are blind, or are becoming blind, aren’t treated like helpless animals, and given the proper instruction, we can accomplish truly wonderful things. I also believe that if we were to do a better job of allowing those around us to understand what we can do, the world will eventually come to realize that like any other person with disabilities, we are just people trying to live with the cards we have been dealt. There even times when our situation is better than some who have no problem seeing the world around them but there is one thing I’d like to know. Is blindness a blessing, or a curse? Others may disagree, but I believe that being blind in the world we live in today, though it may have its disadvantages, is a fascinating way to live.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Goalball: The Greatest Sport

              Goalball is the greatest sport I’ve ever played. It provides an excellent release for one’s emotions. Along with this, those who play it develop a profound sense of trust towards their coaches and individual team-mates. Being blindfolded compels the Goalball competitors to work together as a unit while still maintaining their own personal roles. Together, players try to roll a ball with bells inside past the apposing team. The way the sport is played is like a fusion of: soccer, bowling, and dodge ball. Along with these combinations, Goalball also has things in common with Basketball. The taller you are, the more likely you are to get on a team.
              Despite all of its energy and audience suspense, Goalball does have one thing that needs to be changed. Currently, there are certain eye-sight requirements that must be met if one is to become a Goalball player. An individual must have a documented eye disease, or eyesight below a level of 20/100. This requirement is shutting the gates of possibility for many potential athletes. I’ve taught some of the boys in my neighborhood how to play Goalball, and there were quite a few that had a natural gift for the sport. Opening Goalball for all those who have sight or no sight will allow it to become more widely known throughout the world. Not only that, but it seems unfair that being able to compete on state levels or higher is denied to those who can’t see badly enough.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Cane

              A cane is one of many tools used by the blind. They come in a variety of styles due to the likes and dislikes of every blind individual. They are important to the community I am a part of because they provide others and I with a basic means of getting around in unfamiliar territory. Apart from warning a blind individual of impending obstacles, a cane also acts as a warning to those around them.
              Having their cane with them not only allows the blind community to detect objects in their paths, but showing one’s cane, on the part of the blind, can become an act of courtesy. I learned this regrettably through experience. Before I was able to accept my blindness as a part of who I was, I refused to take it anywhere. As a result of this, I ended up walking into an elderly gentleman while my mother and I were shopping. The man not only yelled at me for being a stupid teenager, but he also said some hurtful things to my mom. This experience taught me that not making my blindness known to those around me could also harm those I came into contact with.
              Since then, I’ve come to appreciate the safety having a cane provides. I recently attended an independence facility in Salt Lake City. I was given an instructor to help me truly learn what a cane was for. Through my travel lesson experiences, I learned how much freedom being able to use a cane for daily travel gives a blind individual. Sure, they’re restricted to on foot and public transportation, but this gives the blind the opportunity to get out on their own and relieve some of the stress on the shoulders of friends and loved ones.
               But how much a cane relays back to its owner isn’t dependent on skill alone, they must also be made out of the proper materials. Since canes are smacked against the ground constantly, they have been designed to be as light as possible while still maintaining a modicum of durability. Most canes however, have been constructed using: heavy metals, fiberglass, rubber, plastic, along with graphite, though graphite canes are a fairly new development. Along with the different materials canes are made of, the model of cane also contributes to its proper way of use.
              There are three categories of canes: rigid, collapsible, and telescoping. Of the three, the rigid and telescoping canes are most alike. While one can be stored comfortably in a bag or case, this still doesn't change the fact that they both use replaceable tips. Such tips have to be replaced every couple months. The rapid ware of metal cane tips is why some blind individuals prefer the collapsible cane. This type of cane may be heavier, but collapsible canes have large plastic tips that can endure for years.
              Over the years, I’ve learned that every category of cane suits the need of a different blind individual. Once the right combination of cane and user is found, the cane owner must do all that is within their power to prevent their cane from being destroyed. A cane doesn’t do a blind person any good when it snaps from reckless behavior in the middle of a city block, especially if the cane gets jabbed into their stomach as a result.
              Out of all the things I’ve said about canes, I’d have to say that their most important function is helping the blind to detect the obstacles around them. Having a cane really comes in handy when I am deep in thought, as well as when I go window shopping at the Gateway mall in Salt Lake.